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Check out some of our free to use Java Code Below. Please note that some of this code may be limited in it's functionality. This is merely a collection of the Programs I have created over the course of my education and is only intended to help anyone who wants to use this code. All the Programs were created using Eclipse and all of the downloads are word documents exported to PDF's. To Use them just simply copy and paste them into your java classes. Any Questions or requests contact me @
Happy Coding

3 Numbers Program

A Simple Piece of Code to Add 3 Numbers

This Piece of Code is simple. It adds 3 numbers together.


Bank Account Example

A Program to display an account Balance

This program allows users to create a bank account and withdraw and deposit money from that account.


Function-less Calculator

An example of what can be created with the Java Graphical Packages

This code creates the frame for a calculator. Although it does not function it is useful to see what can be achieved with the standard java awt and javax imports.


Square/Cubed Number

A Program to display the square and cubed results of numbers from 1 to the number the user inputs

The Program asks the User for a positive number and then calculates the square and cubed of the numbers 1 - the number the user inputted.


Methods Example

If You're Having trouble understanding Methods Look no Further

A Simple program to show what methods are and how they're used.


Car Registration Program

This Program is a good example of object oriented Programming and it's uses

This is a Simple program that shows how objects are used in OOP. Each car created is a new object that can use the methods to display it's reg number.


Area Of a Rectangle

A Program to Calculate the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle

This Program calculates the area and perimeter of a rectangle based on the user's input.


Example of DoWhile Loop

A Program designed to demonstrate the use of a do while loop

The Do while loop is a very useful tool for the programmer. The Example in this code will help you get up to speed.


Arrays Example

A Program to demonstrate the use of arrays

This program will demonstrate the use of arrays to store and hold data.


Customer Example

A Program to show the use of objects

This is another program used to show the use of objects in Java.


GUI Example 1

An Example of GUI work in Java

This is a simple function-less program that displays two clickable boxes


Insurance World

A Large Program to Demonstrate inheritance and OOP at it's best

This Program is large and perfectly displays the Use of inheritance and objects in java. This Code was used to apply to my internship and I'm very proud of it.

Java Programs: Product
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